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Meeting Highlights 2024/2025


Board Meeting Highlights | January 21, 2024​

The meeting was held at Hillside Traditional Academy​. Thank you, Hillside,  for being accommodating and hosting. 

Indigenous Department Update

​​The District Principal and District VP of Indigenous Education provided a department update presentation. Slides and attachments were shared within the Agenda. The district is still having difficulties filling the position of a fluent Halq'emeylem language teacher. Equity Scan work continues. PATHS collaborative information was collected, collated, and next step will be transforming it into an Indigenous art piece. 

Initiatives mentioned: 
  • A group Jordan's Principle grant (sponsored by the Indigenous Dept and supported by local Nations) was approved by Indigenous Services Canada to cover the purchase of an 11-passenger van and the cost of hiring a driver. This equity initiative will significantly reduce transportation barriers impacting Indigenous students from being able to fully participate in school, particularly those who live on reserve.
  • Tetra-lingual signs are coming to schools - Halq'emeylem, French, English & Braille.
  • New Máthxwi curriculum 
  • District Science Fair is coming on March 5, Rotary co-sponsored
  • Métis Connections - Growing Roots Child Care Centre has a grand opening on February 14, 2025. 
  • Working with MNBC on Memorandum/Agreement of understanding 
  • "Ask Auntie Program" available for  Indigenous girls age 10-14. Funded by a $5000 grant. More funding was allocated, and an overnight canoe trip will be offered. 
  • Ey kw'ese te shxweli - Welcome To This Place  is a brief Indigenous historical guide for Mission School District Staff Members has been introduced to all staff, and will be part of the onboarding of new employees. 

Employee Communication with Trustees Policy

The Board of Education approved the edited Employees Communicating with Trustees policy in principle and forwarded it to the Siwal Si’wes Policy Advisory Committee and partner groups for feedback.

Please click the link below to read and review the policy and provide feedback ASAP at your convenience.
This survey is anonymous and will be open until February 21, 2025.

Direct link to Survey:

Enhancing Student Learning Report

The Superintendent presented Ministry of Education and Childcare's Feedback on his September 2024 ESLR Report. The focus this year will be alignment of School Plans with the Strategic Plan of the Board of Education. 

MSS Update 

January update was presented and uploaded into the MSS Replacement Public Engagement Site. Staff reviewed the process with the 3 proponent companies, and provided the proponents with a tour of the existing MSS site. 

On January 21, 2025, Infrastructure BC organized a successful Business-2-Business event with local businesses (55 businesses from the Fraser Valley were in attendance). Next meetings are scheduled in 2 weeks, where staff will spend a full day with each proponent. 

Appointment of Auditor for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year

The Board of Education resolved THAT KPMG LLP be appointed as the external auditor for the School District’s Financial Statement Audit for the year ending June 30, 2025.​

Ombudsperson Investigation of Exclusions

A province-wide investigation of all districts was launched on January 14, 2025, into the exclusion of students from schools in BC’s K-12 public education system. The role of the Ministry of Education and Child Care and school districts in these exclusions will be assessed.
Complaints received by the Ombudsperson’s office indicate that school districts are excluding students due to disruptive or unsafe behaviour, or inadequate resources devoted to adequately support the student’s learning in the school. In some cases, schools are reported to have informally excluded students from school entirely or for much of the school day. MPSD was audited right before Covid and successfully passed the audit, which looked at procedures and process. We have administrative procedures and gradual entry plans in place. Student safety is paramount and efforts are made to minimize impact of staff shortages on student attendance. ​

Students or families of students who wish to contribute to the Ombudsperson’s investigation can fill out a brief, confidential questionnaire. Those interested in speaking directly with an Ombudsperson investigator about their experience can provide their contact information when replying to the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be open until April 1, 2025.​

School visits

The Board of Education resolved THAT staff investigate scheduling regular school visits for the Board, to build and cultivate connections with the schools and to listen to student voice. The goal would be to visit each school once a year. Principals are to advise their preference for the visit, and what is best for each school. ​

Rescinded Policies: 

​​​Recent policy review held during Special Committee of the Whole meeting on January 14, 2025 indicated that all employees of the distri​​ct are equally important, and role-specific policies with such declaration are no longer needed.
With that in mind, the board resolved to rescind
Custodial Services Policy
​School Secretaries Policy
Mission Public Schools is in the process of updating the Long-Range Facility Plan (LRFP), to ensure schools are available and structured to meet the educational needs of the school district.  The primary focus of this community engagement/survey is to ensure schools and other facilities are available to meet the educational requirements of the school district, although other feedback is also requested.

The survey is anonymous and open to all, students, staff, educators, parents, and community members… anyone who is interested in the future of Mission schools for the years to come.
Your feedback will help us shape the future of education and school services in our community. We would like to thank the first wave of respondents for submitting their feedback to date. 

If you have not already, please take a few minutes at your convenience to provide your thoughts on various priorities that matter to you.
The survey closes on February 21, 2025.

Click the link below to access:

Board Meeting Highlights | December 17, 2024​

The meeting was held at Hatzic Elementary School. Thank you, Hatzic,  for hosting, and treating us to tasty cookies made by the Inclusive Support Program Students. 

ELL/ESD and the International Education

Department Updates

​The District Vice-principal for the ELL/ESD Program and the Manager of International Education provided their department updates. 

English Language Learning is the larger ​​​umbrella of English Language Services and ESD or English as a Second Dialect, is a branch within ELL services. Mission public schools have 222 ELL students and 148 ESD students.  

International Education ​shared some of their activities this year, and an update from their recruiting international trips. The department brings in and takes care of 80-100 International students from 20 different countries. 

Long Range Facility Plan

​The Board of Education approved executing the public engagement survey of the community on educational and operational priorities for the update to the Long-Range Facility Plan (LRFP) for School District #75 (Mission). Stay tuned for communication issued in January 2025, and links to  a our new project on Engage MPSD containing the LRFP Survey, that will help shape the district planning for the next 30 years. 

Catchment Areas, Cross Boundary Applications and Programs of Choice Policy

The Board of Education approved the revised Catchment Areas, Cross Boundary, Schools of Choice, and Programs of Choice Policy, following feedback from families regarding schools of choice and middle schools. The recent amendment addresses the district's transportation challenges, that will not lead to separating students from their elementary peers. Read the updated policy here. 

The policy now includes the following clarification for middle school transportation for Students from a School of Choice:
"Students attending a school of choice who are assigned to a middle school other than the one designated for their home elementary school are not eligible for bus transportation to the middle school (refer to the Transportation Services Policy)."

​Indigenous Education Council (IEC) Update​

Under the new Bill 40 legislation, the Indigenous Education Councils are required to develop new Terms of Reference (TOR) and appoint members to an Indigenous Education Council (IEC) in alignment with the new requirements. Siwal Si’wes currently serves as the district’s IEC.

The Ministry has requested that the TOR be finalized by January 2025. However, staff have indicated that the revised Siwal Si’wes IEC Terms of Reference will not be ready for approval by January 15. Once the IEC provides the updated TOR, the Board will need to approve them.

MSS Update​

​Another update dated December 17, 2024, has been added to the MSS Replacement Engage MPSD project

On December 13, 2024, a News Release was issued: 3 shortlisted company partnerships have been invited to respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP). 

Summary of MPSD Communication Parent Survey​

Staff and the Board of Education would like to thank the 487 parents/guardians who participated in a district-wide survey about their preferred way of communication with the Mission Public Schools, sent out in October. 
Survey Insights: 

  • 90% of respondents found district-wide emails an effective communication tool.
  • 78% showed interest in future online engagement initiatives,
  • Top communication methods included email (403 votes), newsletters, and social media.
    • A strong preference for digital communication platforms, with limited use of physical mail.
  • High engagement on social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram

​Information Items shared within the Agenda:​

DPAC Minutes, November 2024​

Letters to outgoing and incoming MLAs​

Acknowledgement of the Retirement of Assistant Superintendent Karen Alvarez​

​​​The Board thanked Assistant Superintendent Alvarez for the impact she made, for all her expertise, service and dedication to Mission Public Schools. 

​​Board Meeting Highlights | November 19, 2024

The meeting was held at Albert McMahon Elementary School. Thank you AME for hosting!  The Board and staff have enjoyed AME's Bhangra dancers' performance and would like to thank the group for sharing their vibrant colours and celebrating happiness  with their dance. 

Dynamic Learning

Navjit Mahal, a 2024 MSS Grad, introduced the free student volunteer Tutoring program available through the Mission Literacy in Motion and their other activities offered at community events. 

District Class Size Averages

​While enrolment is growing, our growth has slowed down a little, and Mission classes have reasonable size. 

​MSS Update

Staff shared a progress update, which has been uploaded to the MSS Replacement Project Portal on Engage MPSD. Read the update here.​ 

2024 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) Report

Pursuant to the Financial Information Act, the 2024 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) Report was reviewed and approved.​ You can read the SOFI Report here. 

Finance Department Update

A written update was presented for review. (Age​​nda p.82-83)

Quarterly Report ending September 30, 2024

The quarterly report summarizing district activities from July 1 - September 30 was shared. Read the report here.  

Policy Review

The Board of Education of Mission Public Schools approved three (3) policies in principle. We are now seeking feedback from everyone, including the educational professionals, parents, guardians, students, and any Mission residents interested or affected by the policies. 

Please click here to access the Public Engagement Portal

Click this Link >> to Survey to provide feedback.

New Policy: ​Employee Communication with Trustees

The Board approved the following as a new policy in principle. The policy will be referred to the December COTW Meeting for review by the educational partners and proceed for final approval. 

THAT Employees expressing concerns or appreciation to their elected members of the Board of Education will have no negative job or discipline consequences.

THAT Employees as members of the public and constituents of elected Trustees have the right of access respected.

THAT Trustees bring any concerns of consequence or action to the Board and Administration for verification and discussion.​

​Non-Voting Student Delegates at BCSTA

The Board reviewed the BCSTA report and directed the Chair to complete/collate the Survey and email to BCSTA.​

Post Election Advocacy

The Board reviewed and discusses the MLA Advocacy letter templates provided by BCSTA, and directed the Chair to sends MPSD-specific advocacy letters to the newly elected and outgoing MLAs.​

Board Performance Review

The Board of Education resolved to initiate a Board Performance Review​

Liaison Reports 

BCSTA IEC Meeting Report, October 25 (Agenda  p166 - 167)​
BCSTA Professional Learning Committee Report​ (Addendum​)

Information Items

​3 Year Financial Plan Submission (Agenda p.168 - 169)

UBCIC Resolution 2024-27, Provincial MMIWG2S+ Anti-Violence Curriculum (Agenda p.170 - 173)

​​Special Public Meeting of the Board of Education | October 29, 2024

2024-2025 to 2026-2027 Three-Year Financial Plan

The Board approved the Three-year Financial Plan for the years 2024-25 to 2026-2027. Click the highlight to read the plan. ​

​​Board Meeting Highlights | October 15, 2024

​​​​The meeting was held at Edwin S. Richards Elementary School. Thank you, ESR, for hosting this month, for being so welcoming and sharing your art initiatives with us! Principal Widdows shared with the Board, that herself and ESR Librarian are going to Washington DC to represent ESR at a conference of Arts Schools. The Team submitted a proposal by storytelling in musical theater production about the history of ESR: “What's the Story, Morning Glory?”

Also, “First Generation” Art Exhibit is taking place in North Vancouver - 9 pictures by ESR students, who were not born in Canada, will be submitted to the exhibit. 

​​Student Services Department Update

​The Director of Student Services provided a brief update from the Student Services Department. You can view the Slides Here. 

One highlight mentioned was $13,000 Grant funding received from Mission Community Foundation for Inclusion Books & Audiobooks for K-6 School Libraries.  

If you are interested in seeing some of the recommendations so far, they are posted on the Inclusion Bookshelf of our Inclusion page on Curriculum Connections.  These links are open to the public and fully transparent to families so that they can see what is and will be available in the district.

​We will be asking the Accessibility Committee (comprised of adults and students) for feedback on the titles we choose, with the goal of having more stories with positive representation and lived experience reflected in the learning resources in schools.

Minor Capital - Food Infrastructure Program

The Board of Education approved the 2025/2026 Minor Capital Project Funding request for the Food Infrastructure Program in the amount of $199,411 submission to the Ministry of Education for consideration of funding in 2025-2026. The information was originally shared and requests were submitted in September, for equipment to support our district Feeding Futures program.​ The Ministry advised they require a Board Resolution for the Food Infrastructure Program as well. ​​

Reporting out from the Joint meeting with the City of Mission, October 3, 2024

Reporting out of Special Closed Joint Board of Education Meeting with the City of Mission Council, October 3, 2024.pdf​​

MSS Replacement Update

October Update​ was presented and added to the EngageMPSD project website

Quarterly Report ending June 30, 2024

The report was shared for review and has been uploaded to the Budgets, Financials & Reports website. << Click the link to view. 

Trades Training Advisory Committee Review

​TTAC was formed before Covid to support vocational trades training in schools. The initial goals of the TTAC have been fulfilled, and a review was needed. The Board was informed that Riverside College intends to run their own trades committee, with more in-depth interaction with the community. Majority of the Board wishes for the TTAC to continue. The Terms of Reference of the TTAC will be addressed at a future Board meeting. TTAC Chair for 2024-25 will be Trustee Shelley Carter, and a new meeting will be scheduled in the near future. 

2024-25 Trustee Committee and Liaison Appointments

​​​The Board discussed and approved the Trustee Committee and Liaison Appointments for 2024-25. You can view them at the Board website. ​

2024-2025 to 2026-2027 Three-Year Financial Plan

We have informed the Ministry that we have not been able to complete the plan yet due to shortage of staff of the Finance Department. We will plan a special board meeting as soon as we can, to approve and submit the plan. 

Long-Range Facility Plan

The Board of Education resolved THAT the School District initiate the formal review and update of the Long-Range Facility Plan, beginning with public engagement in the review of the School District’s educational priorities:

  • Elementary, Middle, and Secondary structure vs Elementary and Secondary Structure
  • Schools of choice
  • French Immersion
  • Trades
  • On-Line School
  • Childcare and Early Learning
  • Alternative Structures
and operational priorities:

  • Student and other Support Services
  • Administration Services
  • Operations: including Grounds, Facilities, Transportation.​
The School District is required to have a Long-Range Facility Plan (LRFP), that guides the School District's requests for major capital funding for new schools, school expansions, and major upgrades. 
The LRFP should present a wide-ranging vision for the use of a school district’s current and potential future inventory of capital assets, providing broad strategies for the most effective delivery of education programs.

​​​Board Meeting Highlights | September 17, 2024

​The meeting was held at Deroche Elementary School. Thank you, Deroche for hosting and the warm welcome.  The Board has appreciated visiting again. ​

Election of Board Chair and Vice Chair

Tracy Loffler was voted in and declared to the office of Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission).
Linda Hamel was voted in and declared to the office of Vice-Chair for the Board of School Trustees for School District No. 75 (Mission).

We would like to thank the outgoing Chair, Trustee Shelley Carter, for her dedication to the Board of Education and Mission Public Schools and congratulate Trustee Loffler and Trustee Hamel to being re-elected into their roles. 

Meet the Board and read their Bios HERE.​ 


*Unfortunately, the first scheduled presenter was not able to attend the meeting and sent in their apologies due to road complications beyond their control.  

​​HPMS Field Trip to Montreal, QC, June 2025 Application & Presentation

The Board received the presentation by mentor teacher C. Anderson and teachers K. Parsons, and A. Crump. After reviewing the documentation, the application for  HPMS Field Trip to Montreal, QC from June 20, to June 25, 2025 for up to 45 students in grades 8 and 9 was approved.​​

Joint Use Agreement with the City of Mission and Harmonizing Rates with the City of Mission

The Board reviewed the proposed draft Joint Use Agereement and draft revised Administrative Procedures. The Board requested a direct comparison of the City Rates next to the School District Rates. The Joint Use Agreement and harmonizing rates will be considered for approval at a later date. 

School Opening Report

Mission Public Schools' enrolment is up by approximately 100 students, slightly above the original projections. Around 140 TTOCs were hired. The Student Cell Phone policy seems to be relatively successful at this time.

Silverdale Elementary will be celebrating 65 years since opening on Friday, September 20th, 3 - 7PM. More details here.​ 

The District is very short of Bus Drivers. 

Do you know anyone that would enjoy transporting students and working for the district as a Bus Driver? We are hiring! Click the picture above. 

About the Job: School Bus Drivers typically drive 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, with occasional routes available in between for field trips. Hours are normally between 6:30 am - 9:30 am and 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Drivers work during the school year from September to June and are off work for all breaks.

The district also offers FREE Class 2 training for interested individuals that do not already hold their license.

Please share this opportunity with your family, friends and neighbors and interested individuals are encouraged to apply on Make a Future:
Apply Here

​​Summer Learning Report

​​This year, Summer Session was provided by Mission Online - 156 students enrolled, 132 have been activated. Of those, 122 completed, which is  over 90% completion rate. The vast majority were MSS or Mission Online students. 

​​​MSS Update

​​The Secretary-Treasurer provided a detailed update, which was published on the MSS Replacement Engagement Site. MSS Update will be a standing item on the Agenda each month going forward. Read the September 2024 Update HERE

Audited Financial Statements for School District No. 75 (Mission) DRAFT

The Auditor presented information to the Board at a special closed meeting on September 17, 2024. The findings of the audit will result in a letter expressing an opinion on the audit from the Auditor, which must be included in the published financial statements. The Draft audited Financial statements were accepted by the Board of Education. Comprehensive information on the financial statements will be presented with the financial statements on September 24, and then published on the website and submitted to the Ministry of Education by September 29th, 2024. ​

Minor Capital Requests for 2025-2026

​In accordance with provisions under section 142 (4) of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission) hereby approves the proposed Minor Capital Plans for 2025/2026, as provided on the Capital Plan Summary for 2025/2026 submitted to the Ministry of Education and Childcare.

2025/2026 Minor Capital Plan Summary
a. BUS $   1,135,406
b. SEP             $   1,450,000
c. PEP             $      195,000
d. CNCP             $   2,100,000 
           $    4,880,406        
Facilities staff have reviewed the building maintenance needs of the school district and have prepared the list presented at the meeting to submit to the Ministry by September 30, 2024, requesting funding for the 2025/2026 school year.  The Ministry usually approves the funding in the spring each year, so that the projects can be completed early in the next school year.​

​Executive Compensation Disclosure

​The Board of Education resolved THAT the Public Sector Executive Compensation Report dated September 17, 2024 be approved and submitted to the BC Public School Employers’ Association, along with an Attestation Letter signed by the Board Chair. School boards are required annually to prepare the Public Sector Executive Compensation Disclosure Report.

Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2024-25-CPSD75-02

The School District requested funding to replace a bus that was in an accident in the Spring.​ The district received insurance proceeds to cover a portion of the bus replacement. The Ministry will cover the remainder. A capital plan bylaw was approved in April 2024 for capital funding approved for the 2024/2025 school year.  The additional funding amends the original bylaw. The Board of Education approved the Capital Plan Bylaw after the required three (3) readings. You can read the Bylaw here

2024-2025 Borrowing Resolution

The Board of Education resolved THAT the Superintendent and Secretary Treasurer be authorized to borrow on behalf of Mission Public School District (School District #75) from the Scotia Bank for the 2024-25 operating year, up to:

$1,500,000 in an Operating Line of Credit
$750,000 in a revolving term / Scotia leasing.

This is a standard operating resolution required to be approved every year. ​

Before and After School Childcare Update

The District Principal of Early Learning and Childcare provided an update on registrations in SD75 Childcare programs.  ​Read her update HERE. 
Visit the Early Learning Page 
Visit the Childcare Page 

Trustee Hamel - Recognition of Service and her 2021 Retirement

The Board and Staff formally recognized​ Trustee Linda Hamel for her 32 years of dedicated service to Mission Public Schools. Linda started her career with Mission Public Schools in February 1989 as a classroom teacher and retired as a school principal.

Linda formally retired from her employment with School District No. 75 in 2021. Shortly after retirement, Linda rejoined the school district as a TTOC.  This retirement/rehiring led to the computer system omitting Linda’s name from the official 2022 computer generated list of retirees. 

In January 2022, the board approved the Employee Service Recognition Policy to recognize employees' service with the school district. As Linda had retired before June, Linda was also omitted from the list of employees being recognized for their years of service when the policy was rolled out. 

In the fall of 2022, Linda resigned from her TTOC position to accept her Trusteeship with the School District.  Linda has served the school district as a teacher, vice principal, principal, and continues to provide valuable service to the school district as a trustee.

It is only fitting to publicly acknowledge Linda’s long service to this organization.

Amended Board Work Plan 

The Amended Board Work plan was approved. View the Board of Education Annual Work Plan​​​​​ here. This document can normally be accessed via the  Meeting Information & Schedule site​

​BCSTA Indigenous Education Committee Liaison Report

Trustee Cairns presented his highlights of the BCSTA IEC Meeting. BCSTA formal report should be coming shortly. ​

Letter to Parents RE: Foundation Skills Assessments (FSAs)

Information about FSAs can be found on Parents Resources & Links​ >> Foundations​​ Skills Assessment ​(FSA)
The outgoing Board Chair, Shelley Carter, wrote a letter to Mission parents about the importance of FSAs. Read her letter here. 

UFV Mission Opening Update

​UFV Mission campus open house took place on Saturday, Sept 14, 2024, to showcase the updates after a major renovation to create a new home for their School of Education​. Having new teachers study in Mission will be beneficial for MPSD. 
With the completion of the Mission campus renovations, UFV is proud to open doors to a space that embodies the spirit of Stó:lō culture and the joy of learning. Built with culturally significant materials and adorned with Indigenous art, this campus represents UFV’s commitment to decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation. 
Learn more about UFV’s reimagined centre for education when St’elt’elawtexw, UFV’s Community Report, is launched on Sept 10. 
📌Download your copy at​

King Charles III Coronation Medal Recipients

On Saturday, September 7, 2024, as published by What’s On Mission Magazine,  MLA Pam Alexis and MLA Bob D’Eith presented the King Charles III Coronation Medal to two recipients tied closely to Mission Public Schools.  Coronation Medals are only issued after the ascension of a new monarch.  Principal Jim Pearce and the long time Strong Start Coordinator, now retired, Diana McCall​, were the two recipients. The Board would like to congratulate both of the recipients. Congratulatory Letters from the Board of Education are being sent to both of the recipients. 

​​​​Land Acknowledgement

*Please note that the Sq'éwlets​ logo has been updated, for those using the First Nations' logos in their signatures. ​

​Il stl’i kw’els spipetstexw kw’eset ite xwelmexwelh stexwlaq temexws ye Stó:lō mestiyexw. 

Mission Public School District is located on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unsurrendered, and Shared territories of Stó:lō people, of Leq'á:mel, Semá:th, Máthxwi, Sq'éwlets and Qwó:ltl'el First Nations, stewards of this land since time immemorial. Halq'eméylem is the language of this land and of Stó:lō ancestors. 

The place from where Halq’eméylem (Upriver dialect) originates is Leq’á:mel. The language comes from the land, and it has been this way since time immemorial. 

We, as members of the Mission Public School District community, embrace our commitments to strengthening partnerships and relationships with all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. ​

Le Conseil scolaire de Mission est situé sur les terres traditionnelles, ancestrales, non cédées et partagées du peuple Stó:lō, des Premières nations, Leq'á:mel, Sema:th, Matheqwí, Sq'éwlets et Qwó:ltl'el, peuples de cette terre depuis des temps immémoriaux.

Sp'oqes stl'itl'el 2024-25 Image by Ovila Mailhot Equity Symbol made for Mission Public Schools by Ovila Mailhot
Art by Ovila Mailhot
Learn more on Siwal Si'wes Page, Click here. 
