The school district collects personal information in the operation of the school district. This includes information about students and their parents or guardians, employees, and volunteers. When collecting personal information, the school district must advise those providing the information, on how the information is used, citing the legislative authority for collecting the information.
The school district collects personal information regarding students and their parents for the purpose of supporting a student's education. Information collected and retained when registering a student for school includes confirmation of a student's age, citizenship, residency, and residential address. Information regarding a student's progress and learning is personal information as well. Information regarding student registration supports the confirmation of provincial funding eligibility and supports the provision of education transcripts long after a student has left our school system.
Employees also provide personal information when hired by the school district, such as a resume with information on their education and training, their residential address, and information for employment tax purposes. Other personal information obtained after hiring includes documentation regarding performance, health and safety, benefits, and other education and training.
Information in the school district's custody and control must be for the purposes intended. When requesting information, the school district must indicate the reasons for needing the information. The Collection of Personal Information procedure provides additional information on the process for collecting personal information. If you are unsure of why information is needed when requested, please ask for clarification prior to providing the information.
The school district makes a reasonable effort to ensure personal information is accurate and complete. A student, parent, volunteer or employee has the right to review and correct personal information in the school district's custody and control.
Information collected is retained and disposed of in accordance with the school district's Records Management and Archives Program and any legislative requirements. Paper records that are no longer required are destroyed (shredded).
The Personal Information Bank summarizes the personal information the school district collects, how the information is used, where it is stored, and the legislative authorization for the collection of this information.