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Accessing Information


​​​​​The school district controls access to information in its custody and control. Review our corporate policy on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy and Personal Information​ for more information​.​ 

A significant amount of non-personal information regarding the business and activities of the school district is publicly available on the school district's website.  A summary of the publicly available information is available here.

Personal information​

Personal information is only accessible by those that require personal information to do their jobs, or by those whom the personal information is about.  Students, parents, employees, and volunteers have the right to access their personal information in the school district's custody and control. 

  1. Students and parents or guardians, may review information regarding the parent or guardian, the student, the student's education, and any assessments or evaluations the school district has in its custody and control regarding the student. Use this form: Request for Access to Records Students/ Parents.
  2. Employees have the right to access their personal information held by the school district, generally located within an employee's file in their school or department, the human resources department, or the payroll department. Use this form:​ Request for Access to Records - Employees.
  3. Volunteers have the right to access their personal information, generally filed at the school and the human resources department. Use this form:​ Request for Access to Records - Volunteers.
​Requests for information​​​

To receive information that is not publicly available a "Request for Information" must be submitted to the FIPPA Officer (Secretary-Treasurer) via the Request for Access to Records Form, or through a separate written request. The release of any information requested is subject to exceptions noted in FIPPA. The school district will not release personal information with a request that is not the personal information of the person requesting it. The Requesting Access to Information Procedure outlines the process to request information.

In addition, the school district maintains a Personal Information Directory that includes Personal Information Banks, Information Sharing Agreements, Privacy Impact Assessments, and any other relevant information. ​​